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Grammarly and ProWritingAid are two brands that come to mind when it comes to trustworthy online grammar checkers. Even though both programs are intended to assist you in improving your writing, there are some fundamental variations between them.
If you want to quickly and simply check an email, document, or short essay, Grammarly is a wonderful solution.
The premium edition is particularly beneficial if you wish to increase your English grammatical understanding because it contextualizes each recommendation.
It’s also an excellent option if you wish to work on a document with another editor or a team member.
Grammarly vs ProwritingAid: Interface
Grammarly’s interface and design are both simple and elegant. You may either upload your document or copy and paste your content into the editor by clicking the “upload” option. The good news is that you can install this application as a Chrome extension, making it extremely simple to use.

Grammarly Google Chrome Extension: Grammarly offers a Google Chrome plugin that automatically inserts itself into most online forms, allowing you to check your grammar as you type. The Chrome extension also auto-corrects your work as you type, reducing the amount of time you spend editing afterward.
Grammarly Microsoft Word Editor: It works similarly to the Grammarly web editor, with the exception that the suggestions are incorporated right in Word, so you don’t have to leave your preferred writing program.

Web Editor Interface of ProWritingAid:
ProWritingAid’s editor isn’t as polished as Grammarly’s. On the left side of the app, it displays your mistakes. To see the suggestions, click on a little arrow and then hover over the text to see the suggestions.
A sidebar in the online editor informs you how to enhance your writing depending on numerous factors such as grammar/spelling, sentence length, and so on. Because determining what counts as green/good is not always straightforward, the interface may take some getting used to. The green dots that indicate if your writing matches that characteristic, for example, do not line up in the middle of the sidebar, making it visually difficult to see when your work meets the threshold for that attribute.

Unlike Grammarly, proposed modifications are concealed behind the “Improvements” item in the sidebar, making it difficult to see how you may swiftly alter the text.
Grammarly vs ProwritingAid, Which Is the Accurate One?
Even though Grammarly found fewer faults than ProWritingAid, you may be more willing to accept its recommendations. We may conclude that while Grammarly identifies fewer problems than other tools, it is more accurate in its suggestions.
When compared to Grammarly, ProWritingAid supplied more recommendations throughout the document; you may feel more at ease with more of the Grammarly fixes as a result.
ProWritingAid appears to be a better tool for fiction writers than Grammarly, as it appears to be more adept at dealing with issues such as fragmented sentences and dialogue.
Despite the fact that ProWritingAid is effective at reducing fluff words, shortening might cause difficulties such as the loss of transition words for the Yoast SEO readability study.
Integrations of Grammarly vs ProwritingAid:
The Grammarly Chrome plugin is compatible with the majority of browser forms, including email, WordPress, Google Docs, and other similar services.
They also provide plugins for Microsoft Word and Outlook, which you may download. A desktop version of Grammarly for Windows, as well as a mobile keyboard for your phone, are both available for download as well.
ProWritingAid provides a comparable level of flexibility as Writer’s Aid. The Chrome plugin is compatible with the majority of browser forms, including email, WordPress, Google Docs, and other popular services.
ProWritingAid also integrates with Microsoft Word, Scrivener, Open Office, and a variety of other programs.
When deciding on a proofreading tool, it is crucial to examine the cost of the product. Let’s see how much these two tools are going to set you back.
Grammarly vs ProwritingAid Pricing:
English grammar checker: Although Grammarly’s Google Chrome plugin is free, it only provides a limited number of editing tests.
A year’s subscription to Grammarly premium costs an average of $12 a month, which comes to $144 when paid in full. You may use its free plan to determine whether or not you need to upgrade to a premium plan after trying it out.

ProWritingAid is available in four different price tiers. ProWritingAid is available for $79 per year, with a lifetime plan available for $399 per year.

Is there anything better than Grammarly?
ProWritingAid, WhiteSmoke, and Ginger are the finest Grammarly alternatives for consumers that demand sophisticated capabilities. LanguageTool and Reverso are the finest solutions for people who wish to execute translations and error checks in different languages.
Is Grammarly used by professional writers?
Grammarly is the most well-known automatic proofreading application in the publishing business. It is utilized by authors, business people, and anybody who requires faultless communication.
Is it worth using ProWritingAid for academic writing?
Without a doubt. ProWritingAid is well worth it. It’s an application that provides a massive quantity of reporting that no other checker can match. Yet, it will not be able to take the position of a human editor.
Is there anything better than Grammarly that is also free?
Readable. Both Grammarly and the Hemingway App are solid alternatives to Readable. The amazing thing about Readable is that it checks for spelling and grammatical errors as well as providing a readability score.
Is ProWritingAid available for free?
In-depth reports in the free edition are restricted to 500 words. There is no app for iOS or Android. Grammarly’s integrations aren’t as tidy.
Grammarly vs ProWritingAid Features Comparison:
- Grammarly is a commonly used writing enhancement program that provides a variety of writing styles, as well as grammar, vocabulary, and syntax advice for writers.
- Pro-Writing Aid provides world-class grammar and style checks, as well as additional in-depth reports, to assist you in improving your writing skills and productivity. It does not have mobile app versions.
- Grammarly only provides the most critical suggestions. ProWritingAid provides more ideas. Not all recommendations, on the other hand, are correct.
- Grammarly’s interface and design are both straightforward. The UI of ProWritingAid is not as clean as that of Grammarly.
- According to our testing, Grammarly is accurate when it comes to non-fiction writing.
- Grammarly’s tools enable 24/7 help through the submission of a ticket and the transmission of emails. The ProWritingAid support team may be reached through email, with a response time of no more than 48 hours on average.
- Grammarly provides a plethora of functions with free versions. ProwritingAid has a free version, however, it has restricted functionality.
- Grammarly performs far better in terms of accuracy. Pro-Writing-Aid is the most effective tool for dealing with fragmented sentences and conversations. For fiction authors, it may be a handy weapon.
Grammarly Advantages:
- It enables you to rectify a variety of different forms of grammatical and spelling errors.
- A large number of fundamental features are provided for free.
- It integrates seamlessly with any form of a website.
- Correct the vast majority of grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.
- Grammarly can also make suggestions on how to structure your phrases in a more suitable manner.
- It assists users in expanding their vocabulary.
ProwritingAid Advantages:
- It generates more than 20 distinct reports for you to consider for improvement based on your writing.
- It is far less expensive than other grammar checkers.
- ProWritingAid offers a greater number of integration choices.
- Because it provides broad comments, it can assist you in improving your writing style.
- A unique lifetime plan is available, which you may select if you are serious about using ProWritingAid, and which ensures that you will never have to pay again.
In which case, which one should you choose?
After contrasting Grammarly vs ProWritingAid on several different criteria, including features, the convenience of use, customer service, cost, and more, the information provided should assist you in determining which program is most beneficial for you.
Grammarly is a very sophisticated proofreading program that is now available on the market. Currently, it can assist you in detecting problems based on more than 400 different variables. Furthermore, it is compatible with a variety of platforms, including Microsoft Office, a web browser, and a desktop application that can be downloaded.